Paris or Barcelona?

The more I think about it the more the scenario of organizing an international orbital fleet looks appealing. With such an organization we would both have a unified self-defence force and a direct channel of cooperation between major militaries of the world.

It ain't the crown that's the problem

Всем пацанам в Украине посвящается - держитесь хлопцы и братки, скоро Киевская Русь от Софии до Чукотки покажет у кого на севере трубка мира.

Coming in on a Wing and a Prayer

I'm pretty sure only 2 people in the world have ever looked at this blog with one being family and the other a close childhood friend. And I will share this post with only two addressees. Nonetheless, dear reader, if your favorite network search algorithm has taken you to this page because you happen to be looking for this information, I hope that the information that I present here gives you another perspective and helps you stay well:

Pushing Asteriods

Once we find an earth bound asteroid ( with enough lead time to change its trajectory) how do we get there and how do we push it to where we need it to be?

Getting Enough Time

In order to park asteroids we need to be able to detect them first. Most of the time we'll be detecting them and plotting their orbits well in advance, perhaps several orbits in advance. But, in the worst case scenario we might be detecting an asteroid on its final approach before an impact with Earth.

Long haul in space

Most asteriods in our Solar System are really far away from Earth. The bulk of asteroids (in the nearest asteroid belt) are at least as far away from Earth as Earth is from the Sun. That's just too much fuel to spend by current measures. We are much better off capturing asteroids that are flying by, but even for those you need a lot of fuel to get them into Earth orbit.

Parking rocks

Building asteroid detection networks is a very large and expensive undertaking. A small group of of enthusiasts around the planet might be motivated enough to make it their life's work, but it will be hard for the planet to get going on this, simply because we don't know if a large asteroid will strike Earth this century or even this millenia. But there other factors to motivate us to get this done sooner rather than later.

Finding rocks

I, as everybody, fear Doomsday stuff. Not the stuff that certainly we won't have any control of for a long time, like sun getting hotter or being in a range of a supernovae. But the well known asteriod impact scenario.